Friday, September 13, 2024

Goats at Camp

 I knew the goats were coming; I could see a shelter for them, a shelter I first thought was part of a very early nativity scene.

Yesterday morning, I first saw them.  They scrambled up the small hill to investigate me, when I stopped to see if they had arrived.  

I kept walking so that I wouldn't disrupt their morning schedule.

I was expecting goats, but I thought it would be 2 or 3.  There are 11 goats.

Why have goats at camp?  They are here in the hopes that they will eat all the ivy that is strangling the trees and the undergrowth.

I could have stood and watched them all day--so in the late afternoon, I suggested to my spouse that we go back to visit.  We stood as the drizzle turned to rain, and again, the goats were so enchanting that we didn't want to leave.

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