Friday, March 21, 2025

Friday Frazzled Fragments from a Hellish Commuting Week

What a week it has been, the kind of week where I have a bit of a meltdown because I'm feeling overwhelmed.  Luckily, I can have a bit of a meltdown and keep going with my brain coming up with alternative approaches even while I'm feeling sorry for myself.  Let me make a list of some bits and pieces from the past week so that I don't forget.

--One reason why I've been off schedule is the medical appointments.  Happily, my health is fine, but I had an appointment on Monday morning and on Tuesday morning, which wiped out morning writing and walking time.  

--It's been incredibly windy this week--and all of March.  Last night, the winds were 25 mph with gusts even higher; today the winds are 15 mph.  I hesitate to walk in the morning darkness when it's windy the way it has been.  We still have a lot of tree branches dangling overhead, and it feels dangerous when it's windy and dark.

--Of course, that's a bit of a rationalization.  It's cold and dark and windy, and I could deal with two of those elements, but I don't like all three together.  I also want to get my sermon written.

--It's been a hellish commuting week.  In fact, it's the worst commuting week since I started working at Spartanburg Methodist College.  On Monday, I 26 was shut down.  I thought I might be late because of my gastro appointment, but I got out earlier than expected, only to be rerouted because of interstate shut down. It was a lovely drive through country roads, but aggravating.  Each day after that, traffic has slowed to a crawl and then a stop because of tree trimming.  Yesterday there was a brush fire on both sides of I 26 near Spartanburg; I was able to drive by, but the interstate was later shut down.

--Happily, I took my laptop to work yesterday so I could get my homework for last night's class turned in before I left.  I usually turn in my work a day before it is due, or last ditch, the morning of.  I don't like waiting until hours before the due date time, but that's the week I'm having this week.

--Last night's class was marvelously amazing.  I feel so lucky to take 2 marvelously amazing classes here as I finish seminary.  

--I feel even more fortunate as I looked at the schedule of seminary classes for the fall.  The schedule may be incomplete, but if nothing else is added, it's a bit skeletal, especially for people who need to take classes from a distance.

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