When I was at my mom and dad's, my mom showed me various books that she had used as devotional texts for Lent. One book, Forty Days with Madeleine L'Engle, had all sorts of scraps of paper in it, including some of my poems.
We couldn't remember whether or not we were using the book together, but across a distance, or whether she was using it to lead a local church group. I was happy to see that I still liked the poem. It was first published in Chiron Review, back in 2009. I'm almost certain that I wrote it earlier.
I've now written a variety of these kinds of poems, the ones I think of as Jesus in the modern world poems. They are an attempt to answer that old Sunday School question of how the world would react if Jesus returned again and what would Jesus do and how would we recognize him?
I think of my Sunday School teachers of long ago, asking those questions, and I imagine that they would be scandalized by my poetic answers. Of course, they may have been secretly radical themselves, as they taught us about the Jesus that the Church wanted us to know. They may have planted these seeds that have bloomed into poems, decades later.
If Jesus came to your high school,
he'd be that boy with the untuned guitar,
which most days was missing a string.
Could he not afford a packet of guitar strings?
Did he not know how to tune the thing?
Hadn't he heard of an electronic tuner?
Jesus would smile that half smile and keep playing,
but offer no answers.
If Jesus came to your high school,
he'd hang out with the strange and demented.
He'd sneak smokes with the drug addled.
He'd join Chorus, where the otherworldly
quality of his voice wouldn’t quite blend.
He'd play flute in Band.
He'd spend his lunch hour in the library, reading and reshelving.
You would hear his songs echoing
in your head, down the hallways, across the years.
They'd shimmer at you and just when you thought you grasped
their meaning, your analytical processes would collapse.
Instead, you write strange poems
to delight your children who draw mystical
pictures to illustrate your poems inspired
by Jesus, who sang the songs of angels,
that year he came to your high school.