Periodically I like to do a writer's check in. It help keeps me honest both here in real time, and later, when I tend to castigate myself for what I didn't get done--and then I look back and realize that I actually did better than what I think.
Let me remember that July was a month with special challenges: more online teaching duties, more administrator work to do with 7 new hires, a back going into spasms, and Vacation Bible School.
But with all the challenges, I still managed to get writing done:
--I wrote a few poems, along with some false starts.
--I have started writing 2 short stories, and I have another one in my head. I've been thinking about the complete collection, and I went back to some of the other stories to make some revisions.
--I sent some poem packets out into the world, even though July is not a great time for making submissions, as many journals aren't reading in the summer.
--My friend and I have gotten back to our Purgatory project.
--I continued blogging faithfully.
Here we are, launching into August. My writing goals will stay the same--but I also need to think about September, where I'd like to step up the pace on some projects, particularly in submitting. I want to start sending out some of these stories that will make my Activists at 50 collection--it would be wonderful to generate publishing interest in the collection as I bring it to fruition.
Best Essay Collections of 2017 by Women Authors
7 years ago
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