I came home this morning from spin class with a serious craving for homemade cinnamon rolls--and so I made some. Now I am thinking I may eat the whole 9 x 9 pan. Except I'm feeling full after eating 4 rolls.
Because I made them myself, they're slightly healthier, with less shortening and sugar than a commercial product would have given me. I also used whole wheat white flour (which seems like such an oxymoron!), so they're a bit heartier.
You might ask yourself why I'm home cooking--shouldn't I be at work? The answer is somewhat complicated: almost half a year ago when I put in for Paid Time Off, we thought we would be travelling. And then, when those plans got cancelled, I thought we'd have a house guest. And then she couldn't travel because of an eye issue that required surgery.
I have until the end of the year to use up my PTO, otherwise it vanishes. And we're getting to the time of the year when it makes no sense to save it--barring unforeseen illness, I have a good idea of how I need to dole them out. If I don't start using the remainder soon, I may lose out--after all, I can't just take the whole month of December off.
So, I decided to keep this day off, even though my spouse will go to teach his class; it will be a different Monday off than the ones I took in August. While he's gone, I plan to work on getting my short story finished, or maybe all three that are in various stages of being in progress.
I've had a great week-end, with lots of time for cooking/baking, reading, relaxing by/in the pool, and the chance to write. It may not be everyone's view of a great use of vacation time, but it is mine.
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