I've been awake since 2:00 a.m.; of course, I did go to bed at 8 p.m. My Fitbit tells me that I haven't been getting much in the way of deep sleep in the past week or two, which isn't a surprise to me. But I have been getting writing done, a surprise to me too.
My spouse has managed to keep sleeping, although he went to bed at 7 p.m. We are a worn out pair of people! So I can't do much of what needs to be done today to get ready for the part 2 of the Great Flooring Project. In a way, I'm not sad. I love this very early morning writing time.
At 4 a.m., I went outside to look for the moon. I had misread the moonrise chart--the moon won't be up for hours. As I have been many times this summer, I was struck by the lack of any breeze at all. I heard some dripping, but I think it was coming from the neighbor's house. I'm always on the alert for leaks--so much damage can come on so quickly.
I heard distant noises from people who probably hadn't gone to bed yet: motorcycles and some voices and a car here and there. As I walked on the driveway, I thought about not getting too far away from the safety of the house. I also carried my favorite Lutheridge mug, one that was created in 1985 to celebrate 35 years of camping. I thought about the unwiseness of carrying it outside. I try to take a Zen approach to possessions (the glass is already broken, so enjoy it while you have it), but I'm not very good at it.
I think of my fellow citizens further to the north, the ones listening to the rain and worrying about the floods that are coming (and have already come) with Hurricane Florence. I told a spin class friend that I'd almost rather deal with wind damage than water damage. You think you have water damage cleaned up and then, days/months/years later, you smell mold. I don't know how we'll ever get the cottage back into livable shape. But that's a project for a different year.
I have been listening to all the various programs taking a look back on the Great Recession of 2008, which many say began this week 10 years ago, when Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy--in fact, it was on this very day 2008 that it happened. I remember reading reports of markets falling and thinking that I was witnessing history, the type of history I'd prefer not to witness.
I've heard many commentators say that at any point that there's lots of leverage/debt out there, we're in danger of this kind of crash. I'm seeing lots of leverage: high student loan debt, high debt that governments take on, and I'm not convinced that the mortgage market is in a stable state.
I've been hearing lots of horrible experiences that people suffered. It's like hearing the #MeToo stories. I feel relief to have escaped the worst of it, while also aware that my luck could change through no fault/action of my own.
As always, these days I cope by taking my days one at a time, keeping my focus on the one or two tasks I need to do to stay on track or recalibrate in all the areas of my life. That said, it's time to think about getting ready for a walk.
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