It has been the kind of week that makes me mutter, "Is Mercury in retrograde?" My favorite mug, a Lutheridge mug that my grandmother had since 1985 has cracked, along with a Pyrex pan shattering into a thousand shards. It's a week of accreditation writing tasks, more specifically writing the action plans for programs under benchmark, never my favorite type of accreditation writing. The ice melt in July in Greenland alone has broken records.
So this morning, let me list some gratitudes from the week that has just zoomed past:
--My spouse and I got the results of our blood work on Wednesday. In terms of what those tests reveal, we're very healthy. We're on the low end of ranges where it's good to be low. I am 54 years old, and I know that I have some genetic gifts, like a family tendency to low cholesterol. But I do worry that time may be running out on me, especially when I think about the days I don't eat any vegetables at all.
--I registered for the AWP 2020 conference. I submitted paperwork to be reimbursed, but even if I'm not, I'm grateful that I can afford it.
--I got a great e-mail from the person in charge of the spiritual direction certificate program that interests me--very encouraging.
--I've had some good writing sessions.
--I had a lovely morning yesterday making pumpkin butter and writing.
--In spite of some obstacles, I have made some progress in work-related tasks that aren't related to accreditation.
--Did I mention how grateful I am for my good health?
--I had a good morning at church on Sunday, as I put away the Pentecost banners and created an altarscape in shades of green and gold.
--It's been rainy, which I've found a relief from the relentless heat. It's also good for the butterfly garden I created at school.
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7 years ago
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