After I wrote my post yesterday, I came across several other media offerings, which I thought I'd offer, in case you're mourning Updike.
Like Lorrie Moore, you may be feeling the world is emptier without Updike in it (go here for the whole article, a lovely piece of writing). I usually feel that way when an author dies, even if the author wasn't a favorite of mine. I feel the same way about many artists in all sorts of mediums.
But if Updike was your favorite author, you must read John Guzlowski's post on beloved authors who die. Here's a taste of it: "It's hard when a writer you love dies, but it's only hard for a while. His death begins to fade when you pick up his book again, return to that secret place."
If you're wanting to hear Updike interviewed, listen to the Fresh Air broadcast from yesterday. Go here, either to listen or to read a remembrance.
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7 years ago
Hi, Kristin, thanks for mentioning my piece on Updike.
I came here looking to see what you'd say about it and stayed to hear Garrison Keillor read your poem "Heaven on Earth."
I enjoyed the poem, loved your vision of Heaven.
It reminded me of my daughter's very personal sense of Heaven. I wrote about it a while ago:
You take it easy.
I love, love, love that vision of Heaven--where we'll not only be with our loved ones, but also with beloved characters from our favorite books.
Thanks for coming by and mentioning your Salon piece--I enjoyed it immensely.
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