Yesterday's post made me think about my dream of taking off in an RV and travelling west. I love the idea of having my house along with me, seeing the sights, stopping at any attraction that intrigued me. The RV as modern covered wagon!
My spouse loves the idea of taking off in a sailboat. I like that idea too, but I know less about sailing. Driving an RV seems similar enough to other kinds of driving. Sailing seems so different.
But I do love the idea of a smaller space, a travelling existence. I love the idea of seeing parts of the world that others won't get to see.
My younger self wanted to backpack the Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine, or to ride my bicycle from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific. Now I like the idea of a more comfortable bed, a less physically demanding experience.
Right now, I'm lucky to have a job that pays well, so I'll carry on in that existence. I'll put money away, because I can't count on always having that job, and I'm not optimistic about the future of full-time jobs for people with Ph.D.s in English. When I need a mental vacation, I'll daydream of journeys, whether under sail or via wheels.
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7 years ago
Congrats on Verse Daily!
Did you know you were on Verse Daily today? I twittered it! Congrats!!
The information provided on sail boat and RV is good. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, Karen and Jeannine, for the Verse Daily congrats. I've been offline, so forgive my silence. I've been the subject of a tweet--that may be my first!
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