Not much time for blogging this morning. I've got a morning of meetings, and today is the due date for my essay on 21st century women poets and their use of Greek mythology. Perhaps I'll write more about that essay later. I will say briefly that it's always an interesting exercise for me to return to writing that is more academic and analytical.
Yesterday I was creating a Works Cited list. I've been creating this kind of document for how many years of my life? And I've taught others this subject how many times?
And yet, for a minute, I couldn't remember how. And I had to keep battling my impulse to start each entry with the title of the work, not the author--how strange!
And yet useful--it's good to remember the perspective of my students, who find documentation a baffling and arbitrary set of rules.
Today is the anniversary of Pearl Harbor, and also the anniversary of my first day of work that wasn't babysitting. Yes, on this day in 1982, I started my "professional" life as the salad bar girl at my local Wendy's.
I know, I know--Wendy's doesn't even have a salad bar anymore. Good thing I made other career moves, eh?
As I've worked on various work-related projects, including this essay writing, there's some part of me that wonders which of my tasks are akin to cleaning up the salad bar. What will lead to better things? What will doom me?
If only I had a crystal ball. But I don't, and so I must attend to a variety of tasks in my hopes of not ending up stranded in a career with no future.
On that note, let the day begin!
Best Essay Collections of 2017 by Women Authors
7 years ago
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