Friday, September 6, 2024

Oozing Boxes and Good Books

And here we are, at the end of a week.  A Monday holiday always gets me off schedule, and I'm a bit surprised to find we are at Friday.  Let me capture a few details from the week.

--I have now been in conversation with Amazon for almost 24 hours.  I opened the door yesterday to find a box oozing dish soap on my porch.  I was supposed to return the damaged item.  I wrote to say, "Really?  Return this soggy box that's oozing a gelatinous substance?"  I was asked to give them a picture.  

I did.  They said they'd have an answer in 6 hours.  They did not.  I am now in "conversation" with yet another representative.

--That "representative" disconnected us.  Another chat, and problem may be solved:

Let me write about happier things:

--I am reading Isabel Wilkerson's Caste:  The Origin of Our Discontents for a seminary class.  It is SO good.  Our professor has given us a few extra days to write about it, and I'm glad.

--It's interesting to me how enjoyable I'm finding most of my writing for seminary and how much it helps me learn.  I'm thinking about how to adapt these different types of reading/writing/processing assignments for the classes that I teach.

--When I get home today, I head over to the main part of camp for Crafts for Christmas.  It will be good to be with friends, most of whom I first met at Create in Me retreats.

I didn't get a walk in yesterday because of this Amazon mess.  Let me head out to get a walk in this morning.

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