What a tumultuous week! Let me capture some fragments from a week:
--The Brexit vote shocks me a bit. The poet part of my brain that is prone to making connections and seeing symbols everywhere says, "Yes--how appropriate in a week of lay-offs and involuntary severance that we end the week with the news that Britain chooses to become a stand-alone island again."
--Yesterday afternoon, I accompanied my friend and colleague to her exit interview where she got the information about her severance package. She has decided to stay on as an adjunct. I am selfishly glad, while also hoping that she eventually finds a great job and leaves the department stranded with those classes.
--My other colleague in my department who was RIFed came to my office and said, "Don't be sad." What a great way to start an exit discussion. She gave me a hug and said, "This is great news." She will not be returning. I am sad for me and the students, but happy for her.
--I have been helping friends who have had rock delivered--it gets dumped on the driveway, and they have to move it to the yard where they want it. It's amazingly soothing to shovel the rocks into the wagon after a day of bad news.
--We worked well together--at one point, when complimented on how quickly we were reducing the rock pile, I said, "We've got a real chain gang rhythm going."
--My friends and I go to the gym regularly. I said, "Those weight machines are the theory, and here we see the practice."
--I have sent out a few poetry packets into the world--another way of resisting the darkness nipping at my heels this week.
--This week-end will need to be a working week-end: I have a course shell that I need to get ready for my online class which starts next week.
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7 years ago
While reading your post, I thought the paragraph about the rock being delivered was regarding the layoffs. It was a fitting segue as being RIFED is like huge rock being delivered. Eventually, with the support of others, the rock of the lay off can be moved as life moves on.
I love that rock shoveling was a good way to handle the other tough stuff. Also glad that poetry submission worked its way in there, too!
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