In another week, some of us will be packing to travel to the AWP, and some of us will wish we were going, and some of us would happily pay others to go in our stead, and some of us will never get to go because it costs too much and we're writers for Pete's sake and if we have academic jobs, we stopped having travel money years ago, and we don't expect to ever get it back.
I've been looking at my bookshelves, and I'm amazed at how many books I have that are writing instruction books and books of tidbits for certain kinds of writers (like details about 19th century life) and books of inspirational quotes. I'm ready to send these books on to a new home.
So, as with the cookbooks, I'm not going to tell you exactly which books you'll get, although you could leave me something with your comment that would let me know what you'd most like (for example, do you write fiction or do you write poetry? any classics books you've wished you had? that kind of thing). Everybody gets books--unless I get lots and lots of people who comment and I run out of books.
So, it's my own version of the AWP bookfair, except that none of the books are recent, and I'm paying for postage. So, it's probably nothing like the AWP bookfair. I don't know. This year will be my first year at the AWP.
If you want to send me your address (perhaps privately to my e-mail address: kristinlba at (without the spaces of course and the @ symbol instead of the word at), I can get books in the mail to you even more quickly. And those of you who entered the cookbook drawing--everybody wins, but you won't get books if I don't get your mailing address.
Best Essay Collections of 2017 by Women Authors
7 years ago
1 comment:
What a great way to celebrate AWP!! (Don't send me books! I am just commenting! Yay for whoever gets these!!)
I sent someone who reads cookbooks your way a while back. I will make sure she knows everybody wins!!
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