I do reserve the right to change the rules, should something strange happen and 50 people show up to leave comments (I don't have that many books). Should that happen, I'll stop at whatever point I run out of cookbooks. This book give-away ends Sunday, Jan. 23 at 2:00 p.m.
First come, first served, so to speak. Go ahead and leave a comment!
Love cookbooks!
Anything by Ina Gartner or Italian or to do with bread. How sweet of you!
I love cookbooks! Anything to do with vegetables would be great. This is wonderful of you to pass on your books!
I love cookbooks about cookies or other desserts, or even bread. Basically anything baked.
I love cookbooks about ethnic cuisines especially thai and indian food. This is a wonderful way to recycle your books.
So far, so good. Pastor Keith, I know where you live. If the rest of you want to send me your mailing address (my e-mail: kristinlba @ aol.com), I'll get your books on the way!
What a very generous thing for you to do - sharing the cookbooks you no longer use. I love all sorts of cookbooks, but my favorites are vegan, vegetarian and vegetable or farmer's market type. Then ethnic like Japanese, Indian, Thai, Irish, Mexican, Italian, etc. or regional USA.
I would love any type of cookbook-the older the better. I love old things.
I love cookbooks! I am moving just to house my collection. I like old ones--and foreign ones. Local ones that retain their unique flavor and don't contain the same recipes that are found everywhere else.
If you haven't gotten your cookbooks yet, it's because you haven't sent me a mailing address, and I'd still love to send them to you. My e-mail is kristinlba at aol.com (using the @ symbol, of course, instead of the word at, and no spaces).
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