I had gotten behind on my grading, so last night I went to sleep early, knowing that I'd be up early. But there are advantages to being up early:
--I am now caught up on my grading. Of course, that will last for only a few hours, as my class has work due today. But it's good to be caught up.
--I was able to submit my poetry manuscript to a contest that was about to close in a different time zone. Hurrah!
--I saw the beautiful moon.
--I said a prayer for my Hindu writer friend who has major surgery today.
--I got a load of laundry done. That shouldn't feel like such an accomplishment, but during the month of July (thus far), it does.
Let me also record some snippets from the past week that I don't want to lose:
--Yesterday, my spouse and I went to a new GP. She saw us both at the same time, which I thought was interesting. I think it's because she was running behind. It was what felt like an old-fashioned physical to me: she tested my reflexes and had me grip her fingers and push and pull. She listened to me take deep breaths, looked into my ears, and had me say "Ahhh." I bent over to touch my toes and then I held a yoga pose with my eyes closed. She seemed impressed with what seemed to me like a basic set of abilities. Am I better than she expects for people my age or does she usually see sicker people? We're trying to get set up with a GP before we have a health crisis, if we must have a health crisis, so we didn't have a specific complaint.
--Our week of having camp counselors in the cottage went well. They seemed happy with the accommodations. I worried they would feel cramped, but then I thought about college dorm rooms and realized that our cottage, even crammed full of boxes, is more spacious than a dorm room--and it has cooking facilities!
--Last week was also a week when my spouse's sister was in town. We had a good time visiting with family.
--On Saturday night, we went to a one year anniversary of the wine bar that some friends started. It's a beautiful place, and I wish them many more years, if that's what makes them happy.
It's no wonder we're feeling tired--we've had two weeks of lots of visitors, lots of social engagements, along with a candlelight vigil, a church service, and of course, work.
How can it be the middle of July already? This week will be hectic too, with graduation on Thursday night and a Corporate audit on Friday. My spouse and I plan to hunker down in the house (or by the pool) this week-end to recover. I'm looking forward to it.
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