Friday, July 12, 2024

Sprained Fingers, Baptismal Fonts

Another day of light posting, this time because I tripped over a tree root, fell, and hurt the pinkie finger of my right hand.  I had a key ring looped around that finger, which is what did the damage, I think.  It's not broken or torn, just badly bruised.  Last week, I sprained the middle finger of my left hand trying to catch a bag that was falling out of the closet.  I didn't catch the bag, but I did catch the finger against the wall.

In short, typing is difficult this morning, although doable.  I can move my pinkie finger in all directions, so I think it doesn't need medical attention, just time.

In the meantime, here's a picture from St. James Episcopal Church, in Hendersonville, NC, where we had the hymn festival last night.  It's from a Facebook post made by Tim Smith, the NC bishop, and it's much better than my picture.

It doesn't quite capture the lovely quality of the green sides of the baptismal font, but I didn't even think to try to take a picture, so I'm happy to have it.

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