This morning, I was all dressed and ready to go out on my run. Then a rain storm swept through, which I assumed meant we were in for a morning of rain. So, I settled in for a morning of writing.
Of course, it hasn't been a morning of rain. But I still got some writing done--a poem! A total gift, inspired by this post and this post on Dave Bonta's blog. I wrote a poem that uses imagery of falling satellites and capital punishment and ends with this stanza:
"Let my death come as the unpacking
of a box of books,
old friends on a new shelf.
Let my death be as an apple
in the autumn, far from the tree,
but with new friends nestled
between the covers of crust,
a new home in warm pastry."
Today is the last day of summer, and tomorrow we enter the last quarter of the year. Time to make some goals. I revisted my 2011 writing goals which I wrote about here. Many of those goals are still good ones: a poem a week, that kind of thing.
But let me focus a bit more:
--I want to have my Fall mailing done by December 31. Lots of packets to lots of journals.
--I want a strategy for submitting my book length manuscript, Ash Wednesday at the Trinity Test Site. I have let most manuscript submission fall by the wayside during the past year. I figured that I had a book coming out, and my focus should be on getting ready for that book and promoting that book. Now it's time to return to other manuscripts.
--I want to re-order the manuscript that I've thought of as my spirituality poem manuscript. I've written new poems that would fit, and I've gotten a glimpse of an interesting new possibility for other poems to include, which I wrote about here. I'll focus on that possibility/task during my writer's retreat in November.
--I need to continue to promote my chapbook, I Stand Here Shredding Documents. I need to arrange a few more readings and think about if there's anything else I should do.
--I've just begun to think about eBooks. I'm ablaze with ideas, and it's time to think about whether or not they could work.
--It's also time to think about the fact that eBooks can do more than paper books. We could have hyperlinks, photos, even video. Hmmm.
--I'd like to take photographs that could work, should I put together an eBook of my manuscript Simple Things to Make Your Body Feel Good.
That list is more than enough for a three months. Let's see what happens!
Best Essay Collections of 2017 by Women Authors
7 years ago
I love your goal listing. I just gave my poetry workshop a Fall 2011 goal-listing worksheet, adapted from something artist Janet Bloch shared with members of Woman Made Gallery, a very helpful sheet!
About your spirituality poetry manuscript: You might consider T.S. Poetry Press, which published Maureen E. Doallas's book, Neruda's Memoirs.
So glad to hear that some of my posts helped spark a new poem! That's the best kind of reader compliment there is.
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