--If you came to this page hoping for an analysis of yesterday's Supreme Court decisions, head over to my theology blog to read this post. What a pleasant surprise! I predict that when historians look back on the great Civil Rights decisions, this one will be much higher on the list than the marriage decision from a different June in this decade (2015 to be precise).
--For those of you who are literary minded, you may have come to this page thinking I would write about James Joyce and Bloomsday. I have done that several times in the past; after all, I wrote my MA thesis on women characters in Joyce. I plan to tune in to this YouTube channel from the Symphony Space folks to see people reading chunks of Ulysses throughout the day.
--It will be very different from a long ago Bloomsday, when we had recently moved to South Florida, and went down to Books and Books to hear people from the University of Miami read from the book.
--I think even further back to my grad school days, relaxing by my apartment's pool, reading academic books as I wrote my thesis. I miss a lot about those days: my youthful body, my youthful enthusiasm, the luxury of time to read hefty academic works. But there's much about my current life that I didn't have then: financial resources, self knowledge, confidence in my creative skills, a more mature faith.
--Most of all, I miss the certainty that I had then that my best days were still to come. I had just finished a year of teaching classes, classes all my own, not just as a teaching assistant. I knew that I was doing what I was put on earth to do.
--In contrast, yesterday I saw 2 students throw their arms around each other and hug as if a war had kept them separated. By the time I was about to say, "Please stay 6 feet apart," the moment was over. I thought I would spend my working life discussing great works of literature, like Ulysses, but instead I'm the middle school dance chaperone, monitoring physical distance and breath.
Best Essay Collections of 2017 by Women Authors
7 years ago
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