Yesterday, I was the person in charge of drive through communion, so that my pastor could get a brief vacation. My pastor left pre-consecrated wafers in individual plastic bags, along with plastic cups of wine. I followed his approach. Here's how it worked:
A car pulled up, and with the driver watching, I put hand sanitizer on my hands. I handed the person a wafer and asked if they preferred wine or grape juice. I went back and got the cup for them, instead of bringing the tray of cups to the car. The empty wine cup could go into the empty wafer bag.
I then said a form of this blessing: "May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord's face smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord look upon you with favor and grant you peace."
We had about 20 people during the 2 hours. My spouse practiced his violin and took care of the money counting duties. I had plenty of time to read the next book on my reading list for my spiritual direction certificate program. It was a pleasant way to spend the time.
I was surprised by how happy I was to see everyone, even when I didn't recognize them; many of them wore masks, which made it hard for me to tell who they were. Each car of people seemed profoundly happy to receive the sacrament and the blessing.
And I was profoundly happy to be doing it, even though it was a bit odd. By the end of the day, I couldn't get the smell of hand sanitizer off of my hands, but even that was O.K. (I do not like the smell of any hand sanitizer that I've tried).
I've always thought that one of the things I would like best about being a pastor would be the weekly communion duties. Even with drive through communion, I still think so.
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