Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Inspirations around the Fire Pit

This morning, I'm writing in the house of a grad school friend.  Soon she will wake up, we'll eat breakfast, and I'll head off to the house of another grad school friend.  Our time together has been full of delights that I can't enjoy in my mountain house:

You might wonder why I can't have a similar fire, and if I constructed carefully, I suppose I could.  But one disadvantage with the design aesthetic of the outside my house, which I call forest floor, is that there's lots of combustible material.  It's great for wildlife, and perfect for a no-maintenance yard, but not so great for fire pits.

My friend's yard has seating areas and twinkly lights and lanterns around the perimeter of the yard.  They are solar powered and turn themselves on as darkness falls.  That experience has made me think about my yard in new ways.  She also has cool pottery pieces here and there, along with bird feeders and a path that she carved out of grape vines that had grown over a shed and the back fence line.

I remind myself that I do spend a good amount of time outside on my deck once the weather gets warmer.  It would be worth thinking about my deck view with an eye to some enchantments.  

I suddenly have a yearning to make enchantments out of clay--that yearning is partly inspired by my friend's water cups made out of clay.  

I found myself looking at the glazes and being amazed by the colors (I'll post a picture later).  I know some potters in my area . . . hmmmm.  If I could pay them for supplies, instead of buying a lot on my own . . . hmm.

Let me post these inspirations here.  If I write down my various yearnings, often I don't forget them, although it may take me years to work my way back to them.

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