Thursday, June 20, 2024

Making Marks on Paper: A Prelude to Collage

Earlier this week, I went over to a friend's house to catch up.  She's got a studio in her basement, so we sat and played with color while we chatted.  Through the years, we've done all kinds of creative activities together, so it's always a pleasure to catch up this way.  She set out markers for us, a bowl of water, and some paint brushes.  I had brought paper and an old hymn book that I'm using as an art journal of sorts, when I remember that I have it.

I ended up with an assortment of colors on paper:

This one may be my favorite:

But I loved the ways the colors blended when I added water to this picture:

Now for the eternal question:  what to do with these papers?  I had been planning to paint paper that I'd later use in collages for card making.  I'm inspired by my friend's Christmas card that she gave me this past year:

Take a closer look at the art--painted hymnbook pages!

So, I've stashed the papers back in my hymnbook where they will wait for their next incarnation.  I feel lucky to feel inspired!

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