Saturday, June 1, 2024

Quilting through Summer Break So Far

So, here we are, the beginning of June.  For some, it's Pride month; for others, it's the beginning of hurricane season.  Maybe it's wedding season or vacation season.  Maybe it doesn't feel different at all.  

Yesterday I took one of the cars to the car wash.  Our cars live outdoors, under trees, and this past season has seen heavy, heavy pollen.  I bought the cheapest car wash option; I didn't want to have the machine do the waxing and have the pollen trapped to the car forever in the wax.  So I bought it home, and we spent an hour trying to remove the pollen that was hard for the machine to reach.  We still need to do something about the roof of the car, but that can wait.  I didn't want to tackle the roof, then have to redo all the windows we had just gotten clean.

I took the old quilt inside.  We've had it in the car since January, just in case we had car trouble in cold weather.  Happily our Nissan Rogue is still fairly new in terms of miles, so we haven't had car trouble, and the past two winters have been fairly mild.  Still, we will likely put the quilt back in the car when the weather gets colder.

It's been a week of taking building supplies back, and taking the ones that aren't returnable to the Habitat Re-Store.  We still have a lot of tile in odd shapes and sizes.  I'm not sure what we'll do with all of it.

It's been a week of more sewing than writing.  I still sew by hand at home, often when we're watching fairly mindless TV, and I'm feeling restless.  But I've also been using the fancy Janome machine when I've gone to the quilt group that makes quilts for Lutheran World Relief at Lutheran Church of the Nativity on Wednesdays.  It's amazing how easy it is to use those fancy machines; we have one that's an even more recent model that I used a few months ago, and it didn't even require me to have a foot pedal.  We've got a less fancy one that only one of us can figure out how to thread.  Here's my favorite quilt top that I've made for LWR:

It's a delight to pull fabric out of the bins and spend time sorting through other bins looking for material that goes together.  Some times, I put similar colors together and don't worry about it.  Some quilts start with a big panel, and I add some material to each side, and it's done.  This quilt started with a medium size panel in the middle, and the blue material that was the same size:

We have so much material in the modular building where we meet, and much of it is high quality cotton.  I'm always amazed at what I find.

It's been a good week of summer break.  The next week may see slower blogging.  I'm not sure of my internet access, but I will report back.

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