It is already October--hard to believe. It is the first day of the fall quarter, both at my current school and at my old school--but for the Art Institute of Ft. Lauderdale, it is the first day of the last quarter that the school will be open.
Ordinarily, I'd be changing out prayer books today. I use Phyllis Tickle's 3 volume set, The Divine Hours, although in this summer of upset schedules, I haven't used it as much as normal. I remember packing up the bookshelves and putting the other 2 volumes of the prayer books in the box. I said to myself, "Surely the floors will be done by October."
The floors are almost done, but I'm not sure of the timeline for when we'll have everything back in the house, the books back on shelves. When I think about how much we've gotten done, I feel happy--how far we have come. When I think about the tasks that are still left to do, I feel overwhelmed if I linger on that list.
Let me continue to go one step at a time.
Speaking of steps, let me record a different type of progress. On Sept. 1, as I took my morning walk, I reflected that it was the beginning of the month. I said to myself, "What would happen if I resolved to get my 10,000 steps every day during this month?"
I knew that there would be some challenges, including my quick trip to Lutheridge. But I made the resolution anyway. And yesterday, I completed it!
Not much time to write this morning--there are day old baked goods to get from Publix on my way to spin class. It's not really on my way. But I still feel like it's helpful to have the baked goods available to the students. I've had more than one share with me that they find it helpful to have some free food because they don't always know where they're getting their next meal. So, they can get some goodies and a loaf of bread.
As with the house repairs and the moves towards fitness, sometimes the steps seem very small. But the important part is to keep taking the steps.
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