Sunday, August 25, 2024

A Week of Good Walks, Good Books, Good Food

Here we are, at the end of week 2 of my onground teaching, the end of week 1 of my online teaching, and the day before seminary classes start.  And the work of being a Synod Appointed Minister goes on.  Let me collect a few snippets I don't want to forget.

--I have had such beautiful morning walks.   

I do wonder if I will miss seeing autumn leaves as they change colors.  Maybe I'll take two walks a day!  I don't want to give up the early morning ones, because I know that the best way for me to exercise is to get it done first thing in the morning, before the events of the day take over.

--On Friday, two of my students were talking with each other about how surprised they are that writing is coming easily.  This overheard conversation was at the end of an unstructured class with time to write and after two weeks of a variety of pre-writing exercises.  One of them talked about the exercise with a table full of objects that I described in this blog post.  He said, "There was some serious ju ju in those things on the table.  I wrote for 15 minutes about a mayonnaise packet!"  Hurrah!

--I've been enjoying my very early morning walks.  I do wonder if I will miss seeing autumn leaves as they change colors.

--Yesterday I went to the farmer's market in Mill's River, and I was surprised by how many trees are turning.  But if you look at the bigger picture, you only see green.  There is a larger lesson here.

--I made cupcakes for the community picnic.  I no longer have a muffin tin, but I did have some cupcake liners.  I did a bit of researching and decided to try using 3-5 paper liners in a sturdier pan.  And it worked!  I made a chocolate batter for the cupcakes (recipe here).

--I am almost out of powdered sugar, so I needed something different to top them.  I made a caramel glaze from a Smitten Kitchen recipe.  It was so easy!  I was surprised that I had the 1 cup of cream.  I added 1/2 C. brown sugar, 1 T. syrup and brought it to 210-215 degrees, which I measured with the instant read thermometer.  Then I added 1 T. of vanilla, stirred again, and put a pool on top of each cupcake.

--The community picnic was amazing, with such a diversity of dishes.  I was happy with the selections that had plenty of beans and veggies.  I ate the most wonderful cantaloupe and the not quite as wonderful watermelon.  I ate two full plates--worth every calorie!

--Even more nourishing was the chance to catch up with neighbors, some of whom are here infrequently.

--I ended the day as it began:  with baking.  I need pumpkin bread for my sermon today, so that's what I made.  I felt a bit tired and grumpy, but glad to get it done.

--A friend and I sent photos of what we're reading.  Here's the book I'm most excited about:

It's the same author who wrote The Fate of Rome: Climate, Disease, and the End of an Empire, which was one of the most riveting academic books I've ever read.  

The weather was beautiful, and so I took my glass of wine and went out to read on the deck.  Late summer, low humidity, a book on plagues, and a glass of wine--perfection!

--But this book, even though it has a 1998 copyright date, also fed my soul this week:

Soon my reading time will be devoted to seminary work, so I cherished last night's reading even more.

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