Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Semester Begins with Convocation

Yesterday at Spartanburg Methodist College, we had opening Convocation.  Unlike convocation at my undergraduate school, yesterday's convocation was for new students. Our president invited students to think ahead to graduation, which seems many years away, and is, but will be here soon, when they will reflect back to this opening day.

There we sat, the faculty in our robes, on a stage, as we will be when they graduate.  Convocation and Graduation bracket the undergraduate journey at this school, and I was happy to be a part.  We had inspirational speeches and prayers and we sang the Alma Mater.

Then I went back to my office and snapped this picture before putting all of the rented finery back in the bag to be returned to the company that must make very good money renting all this regalia:

I couldn't get the kind of distance it would have taken to show the full regalia, and I felt weird asking anyone to take my picture.  This one will suffice.

There was a moment when I tried to remember the last time that I wore my academic regalia.  It must have been at a graduation for City College, were I would have attended as the Director of Education, or  maybe it was even later, when I was the Campus Director.  I spent 5 minutes looking through past blog posts, trying to determine exact dates, but it doesn't really matter.

I am happy to be part of a campus that observes these traditions.  After the ceremony, we went over to the student services part of the campus, where tables were set up under the huge oak trees.  We had a plentiful dinner:  shredded pork or chicken with barbecue sauce, chicken patties, green beans, baked beans, cole slaw, rolls, and a variety of cookies.  

I know that I make a lot out of being at a school that goes to the time and effort to feed us, but it's because I know how much time and effort it takes--and money.  It's nice to be at a school that's expanding, not shrinking.  And it's really nice to be a faculty member--I'm not planning events or stressing over whether or not everything is in place or having other people bark at me.  

Let me bring this writing to a close so that I can get a walk in before going down the mountain to meet with my classes for the first day.  All day yesterday people asked if I was ready, and I said yes.  The first day is no problem.  It's that sloggy time in the middle that takes a lot more prep.

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