Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Roof as Anniversary Gift

Today I am tired, but not because of teaching; my second day teaching (the first day of MWF classes) went well, and I continue to be hopeful based on yesterday's classes.  In the fall especially, everyone is still so enthusiastic and hopeful, which isn't always the case when classes resume in January.

No, this morning I am tired because we were up late for me, up late talking to the roof salesmen (gender intentional) in our living room.  We invited them to visit; they didn't show up randomly.  I now know much more than I want to know about roofing materials, about how today's roofing materials aren't like yesteryear's roofing materials, about the state of my own roof.

We did not really need to spend time being convinced that the roof needs to be replaced at some point.  Moss grows on it, after all.  We did not really need to spend much time on the ways that the roof they were selling is better than other options; my spouse has had his eye on this company for years.

I wanted to leap ahead--tell us your best price, and let's get on with the paperwork.  But no, we heard about the difference between the metal roofs that others will sell us and what the salesmen had to offer.  We heard about the materials that will be under every roof installed.  They meet the very strict building codes of Miami-Dade county, which is what first attracted my spouse's attention, years/decades ago.  We may be the only people in Western North Carolina who could be swayed by that fact, but probably not.  Many South Floridians have migrated here.

Finally we got to the price part of the presentation--we said yes.  It's a good deal, and it can be completed before winter.  Our new roof comes with many warranties, and the company will likely be around to take care of the roof, should we need them to do so.  We could wait a year or two or three, but we know that construction expenses are going up, and we don't expect that trajectory to reverse.

Perhaps most importantly, if we do the roof, we've got the major home improvement projects done.  We have the money now, so why wait?

At the end of the evening, I turned to my spouse and said, "Happy anniversary, baby."  It's not a traditional gift, but it's one that suits us.

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