Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Report from Day One of Classes

I am feeling optimistic this morning.  My first day of classes went well, which makes me feel like maybe it will all be O.K.  Of course, it's easy to feel optimistic early on, at least for me.  Let me count the ways that this week has gone well:

--I taught two classes yesterday, and I liked the energy in each one.  

--I asked my students to put devices, headphones, and earbuds away, and they did.  But what impressed me even more is that they left them put away until I told them it was O.K. to use them again.  I do realize that this fact should not be such a big deal, but after last year, when I had one student who adamantly refused to keep her devices put away and student after student who couldn't leave their devices alone, it is a big, big deal to me.

--I am working at a school that has the most responsive IT department ever, and they are effective too.  I had a problem with my computer telling me that I didn't have the permissions needed to access Word and Excel, even though I had them last school year.  Unlike other places I have worked, I didn't have to wait for days to get a fix.  Half an hour later, the tech had fixed it, and I didn't even need to restart the computer.

--My commute to campus has been surprisingly easy:  no road construction that caused interstate traffic to come to a stop, fairly easy traffic.  I zipped right down and back.  

--I am getting incredible gas mileage, a bit better than last school year.  It's not so improved that I think that something is broken in my car's reporting system:  I don't expect to be stranded at some point when my car runs out of gas.

--My schedule has slightly improved.  I looked at my syllabus and realized I had given myself too many office hours, so I adjusted that aspect.  We had a last minute change to our Writing Center schedule which reduced our needing to staff the writing center (which was after the last minute change that gave us additional hours and made me a bit despairing).

--I am not profoundly sore today the way that I was a year ago.  A year ago, I assumed my achiness was a normal side effect from being on my feet teaching.  Maybe I am getting a bit stronger!  Or maybe my shoes are better!  Regardless, it's great to have a glimmer that maybe not all is decay and decrepitude as I head into this school year.

--This morning I'm going to try getting my walk in before I leave.  I had thought that my schedule meant that I would have to walk when I get home, but I felt anxious about that idea.  I have always been most successful with exercise when I can get it done in the morning before the rest of the day takes over.

Onward to day two of classes!

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