Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Interstitial Seasonette between Summer and Fall

A week from now, my seminary classes will be underway.  I feel like we're in a small season between two larger seasons:  the classes that I teach have started, while the classes that I'm taking have yet to start.  Let me take a few notes to capture this small season, a seasonette, if you will.

 --This morning, I looked up the word interstitial, which led to me looking up the definition to interstice, just to be sure I was using it correctly in the title for this blog post (I am):  "an intervening space, especially a very small one."

--Yesterday afternoon, I got back from Spartanburg, and my spouse and I headed over to Burning Blush Brewery for a neighborhood social gathering.  It was lovely, with perfect weather, yummy food and drink, and great company.  In some ways, it was the last gathering of the summer, although in some ways, summer is gone.  Back in June, we had much bigger turn outs for our brewery gatherings.  It may say something about the locations, but it may also be that people's schedules are filling up as we head into fall.

--I did not stay up for the rising of the super moon last night.  I'm hoping to receive some moon magic as I walk before dawn this morning.

--Yesterday during my pre-dawn walk I saw a fox hop up a short wall a few houses away from me.  I stopped for a minute, just to make sure it wasn't a bear cub and felt relief when I saw its long tail.

--As I have done my dark morning walks, I am startled by my shadow at least once every walk.  I am even more startled to realize that I have a bear shaped shadow.  I would like to put this detail into a poem, but the surrounding poem has not revealed itself to me.

--I played with a poem yesterday, about nuclear winter and the Farmer's Almanac.  I like these lines I created, but again, the surrounding poem has not revealed itself to me:

I think of the Farmers’ Almanac
with seasons and moons named
after natural elements,
berries or hawthorne or hunger

--If all goes well today, our new roof should be installed by sunset.  Fingers crossed!

--I got my first paycheck as a one year lecturer, and it's the only paycheck where health insurance expenses aren't taken out.  Suddenly all the work I've been doing on course design seems worth it.

--I continue to notice which leaves have changed color and which have not.  This week, I've noticed leaves blowing across highways.  I am constantly thinking, what month are we in?  Some days it's hot and muggy, but the nights are cool.  The streetlight in the dark distance reminds me of summer at my grandmother's, back in the 1970's before AC took over, when we wouldn't close the curtains at night because we wanted the cool night air to come in the open window.  Everywhere I look, I see trees about to burst into a non-green color.

--If I didn't need to be in Spartanburg today, I'd bake pumpkin bread to go with our squash casserole and corn on the cob that we'll eat for dinner.

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