Friday, August 23, 2024

In Which I Stay Awake and Watch the Democratic National Convention on Closing Night

Look at me, up at midnight, like a real grown up.  I usually blog in the early hours of the morning, but since I'm up at midnight, tomorrow's schedule might be a bit off.

I came home from work, and we ate a very early dinner, as we have been doing since I started going to Spartanburg Methodist College every day.  Then we watched a rerun of a PBS show about southern food, and I started drifting off in my chair.  My spouse convinced me to just go to bed.

So, was I asleep at 5 or at 6?  Somewhere in there, and I really did think I might sleep through the night.  I woke up at 8:30 to check on whether or not we had heard from the roofing company, who has gotten behind in their schedule.  Will they be here tomorrow?  We shall see.

And then I got sucked into the Democratic National Convention.  I usually don't watch conventions or State of the Union speeches or these days, election night coverage.  I figure I'll catch the highlights later.  But the energy with this convention has been so captivating that I wanted to see Harris' speech for myself--and to see if Beyonce might be a surprise guest.

NPR says that the acceptance speech was one of the shortest in history, the twelfth shortest, at 38 minutes.  I might have made it even shorter, frankly, with less circling back to Trump.  Be done with the man--take us to the future.  But I also understand that he's the opponent, so maybe it was wise to address what he will likely do if elected.

I also wanted to see what she was wearing.  I thought the black suit was a bit somber, and I didn't like the floppy tie/bow at the neck.  I like the brighter colored suits she's worn, with those great necklaces that I've seen in pictures.  But who am I to judge?  These days, my own attire is a mix of frumpy and dowdy.  

It is 72 days or so until the election.  What a strange election year this has been.

But regular life goes on with work in the morning.  Happily tomorrow is a writing workshop day, where students will be working on their papers, and I'll be available if they need me.  I won't need to present a brilliant lecture.  But I need to get some sleep, so let me sign off.

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